Some Simple Tips For Growing Healthy Hair

Written by: Jewel Gould

Facebook: WhatAboutMommys

Twitter: @WAMmommys

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So where should I begin with regards to this hair of mine lol?! I was born with naturally wavy and thick hair. When I started High School, I wanted to do everything possible to my hair except keep it natural. So I started cutting, relaxing, and coloring on a regular basis!

My hair started getting extremely dry, and eventually I had to just cut it all off to grow it back natural. I’ve learned so much through this natural hair journey. My goal is to grow my hair back to past my tail bone like it was before.

But more than anything else, I always want to ensure that my hair is healthy. So here are a few simple tips that I’ve found to be very effective; from my hair to yours.


  1. Deep conditioning

Deep conditioning aids with keeping moisture and shine to your tresses. One of my favorite mixture consists of honey, a conditioner of your choice ( I use Shea Moisture, Diva Curls, or the Tresseme Naturals lines), grape seed and coconut oil. The longer you leave it in, the better the results. I try to deep condition at least twice a week.

  1. Stick with protective styles

Braids, twists and pretty much any style that doesn’t entail your hair being out will work. What I try to do when I wash my hair, is keep it in a protective style for the week, and then on weekends I leave my hair out. The low manipulation really allows your hair to breathe, and just flourish nicely.

  1. Satin scarves and pillow cases

These two need to become your best friends! They are great tools for locking in moisture as well. So at nights you want to wrap your hair up with the scarf, or if it’s out, you can just sleep on the satin pillow case.

  1. Spritz with and drink water!

Think of your hair as a living being. It definitely needs water to make it grow. You can buy a spray bottle at a hair store, target, CVS, or Walgreens. And then just fill it with water and spritz daily. Drinking lots of water is excellent for your skin, weight loss, and your hair as well.

  1. Use your fingers!

You want to use your fingers as much as you can. Try to stay away from brushes and combs. Your fingers are great tools, and your less likely to experience breakage. I finger-detangle my hair with coconut oil, all my braids and twists are done strictly with my fingers as well. Oh and the natural oils help to grow healthy nails too.


So there you have it! No matter what, remember that you are beautiful. Embrace your hair and all of who you are. I will be sharing some more posts on natural hair care as well.


Please let me know if you have tried any of these, or feel free to share a tip that work best for you.


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