First of all, F**k you

*There are no disclaimers, I’m sure you’re grown* I’ve been bouncing between choosing to write this and just letting it slide. But at this point, I genuinely just feel that I am over all nouns (people, places & thingsss) and this will be the one good vent that gets me …

In The Chaos, I Fell In Love

“Keep your head down and mind your business…” was the quote I lived by. But keeping my head down, figuratively became my physical flaw. I walked with my eyes to the ground, I always felt uncomfortable, incompetent and embarrassed. The biggest fight I had with myself, was when I started getting into yoga, and you’re taught to align your head, with your neck and elongate your spine. You’re taught that the opening of your crown is your direct connection to God and Spirit.

Soy Afro-Latina, And Damn Proud

As many of you have seen, Amara La Negra, has sparked such a huge debate when it comes to Black Latinos, when she referred to herself as an Afro-Latino to a fellow Latino. We watched how that played out on television, but Amara is now getting the backlash. First and …

The New Year Blues

The New Year Blues I never thought that the “New Year Blues” were a thing. I never thought that there could be any possible to enter the new year feeling the way that I do. And I’m sure others are feeling the same way as I am.  *This is mostly …

Before You Go

This morning I woke up and had the most humbling of emotional experiences. It’s been a rough few weeks for my son and you know what that means for me, being his mama. Not much sleep, figuring out the best ways to assist with his grieving process and just trying …

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