The Moment I Began to Honor Myself, Life Changed

The majority of my life has been me placing the emotions and feelings of others over mine. I would internalize what was happening around me or to me, and I would struggle to express how I felt and just trapped it all inside. I subjected myself to treatment that I did not deserve. All because I was trying to be the person that I felt that other people deserved. I also assumed that people would shift how they treated me IF I continued to treat them well. Boy, was I wrong.

In The Chaos, I Fell In Love

“Keep your head down and mind your business…” was the quote I lived by. But keeping my head down, figuratively became my physical flaw. I walked with my eyes to the ground, I always felt uncomfortable, incompetent and embarrassed. The biggest fight I had with myself, was when I started getting into yoga, and you’re taught to align your head, with your neck and elongate your spine. You’re taught that the opening of your crown is your direct connection to God and Spirit.

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