Time for change

“The trees are about to show us how lovely it is to let the dead things go.”        I love the change of the seasons. Especially Summer into Fall. I love watching the transition from the warm summer nights to the brisk and very colorful evenings. Nature never …

Unexpected Moments

Sometimes unexpected moments can become a nuisance. We get irritated, we don’t see any purpose in these moments. It interrupts what we are currently doing. And it simply gets in the way!!

Love yourself First.

Loving yourself first, sounds easy right? It’s not always the easiest thing to do but it’s necessary. Concerning ourselves with WHO we love and if they love us in return is not the most important thing in the universe. Loving ourselves before anything else is. Yes our purpose in this …

Letting Go.

Letting go, is definitely one of the hardest things we seem to go through as human beings. Well at least in our minds. it’s hard. But sometimes we feel inclined to give people, places, or things the time and space the no longer deserve. We all have these true genuine …

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