Before You Go

This morning I woke up and had the most humbling of emotional experiences. It’s been a rough few weeks for my son and you know what that means for me, being his mama. Not much sleep, figuring out the best ways to assist with his grieving process and just trying …

It’s Okay To Let Go

It’s that time of year, again! Mentally, we’re preparing to enter a new year; while simultaneously planning and setting goals to better ourselves. But in order to step into the newest phase of our lives, it’s time to rid ourselves of dead weight. We have to understand that it’s okay to let go. …

Embracing Your Sensuality.

Sexuality: The state or quality of being sexual. Sensuality: The unrestrained indulgence of sensual pleasures. Sensual: pertaining to or preoccupied with the gratification of the senses. Carnal. Fleshy. Fulfilling an appetite.

Walk In Your Worth

Between roughing it through life and the people we’ve come across sometimes it’s hard to keep a consistent balance of how much you are truly worth. We let people come into our lives and diminish the light that we hold inside of us. The light that illuminates our spirit and …

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